Catalina Chiropractic Center Blog

When To See a Redondo Beach CA Chiropractor

When To See a Redondo Beach CA Chiropractor

When to see a Redondo Beach CA Chiropractor With our staff of chiropractors and manual therapists in Redondo Beach CA, we at the Catalina Chiropractic Center are prepared to help patients at any stage of a back injury. Back pain is unfortunately common, leading many people to think there’s some threshold of pain that has…

Redondo Beach CA Chiropractor Explains Chiropractic Care for Children

Redondo Beach CA Chiropractor Explains Chiropractic Care for Children

Redondo Beach CA Chiropractor Explain Chiropractic CAre for Children Catalina Chiropractic Center offers chiropractic care to patients of all ages in Redondo Beach CA, and there is no age recommendation for beginning chiropractic care. Even infants who have suffered trauma to the spine during a natural or C-section birth can receive a minor adjustment. Kids…

Tips for Raking From a Chiropractor in Redondo Beach CA

Tips for Raking From a Chiropractor in Redondo Beach CA

Tips for Raking From a Chiropractor in Redondo Beach CA If you live in the area and have a deciduous tree, you know that you’ll soon have raking to do in Redondo Beach CA. Like any vigorous physical activity, there are ways to do it that minimize your chance of injury. At the Catalina Chiropractic…

Redondo Beach CA Chiropractor Explains Diabetes and Nerve Damage

Redondo Beach CA Chiropractor Explains Diabetes and Nerve Damage

Redondo Beach CA Chiropractor Explains Diabetes and Nerve Damage This National Diabetes Month, we at Catalina Chiropractic Center want people impacted by diabetes to know we can help ease their pain in Redondo Beach CA. Neuropathy, damage to nerves, is one of the most common results of high blood sugar’s interference with bodily systems. However,…

Chiropractor in Redondo Beach CAExplains Cupping

Chiropractor in Redondo Beach CAExplains Cupping

Chiropractor in Redondo Beach CA Explains Cupping Cupping is one of the oldest methods from traditional Chinese medicine that we utilize at Catalina Chiropractic Center. Cupping therapy in Redondo Beach CA is performed by placing cups on the skin to create suction. The treatment can be used to treat respiratory conditions, arthritis, gastrointestinal disorders, and…

Redondo Beach CA Chiropractor Explains Magnesium Deficiency

Redondo Beach CA Chiropractor Explains Magnesium Deficiency

Redondo Beach CA Chiropractor Explains Magnesium Deficiency If you’ve recently been experiencing weird muscle cramps, or you feel exhausted for no reason at all, you may be lacking magnesium in Redondo Beach CA. At Catalina Chiropractic Center, our doctors want you to feel your best each minute of every day, which is why we want…